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Your Life Vibe: Gigi's Favs

Throughout my life vibe I've enjoyed and indulged in a variety of treasures that have helped me overcome life's many adventures and challenges. 

Gigi's Favs are just that, some of my most favorite treasures, gifts or just because mementos that made me smile, helped me find peace, and help me live life more abundantly. I've included a few aspirational items too; girl can hope to get a few of these one day too. 

From My Heart to Yours.

Your Life Vibe: Self Love - Hearts

Though your healing journey is unique to you, it's nice to receive help from others who can relate, to give you hope and help nourish your soul. 

Gigi's Favs: Self-Love 

Your Life Vibe: Celebrating You - Confetti

Celebrate all that you have accomplished on your healing journey and all the small wins along the way - no one is more deserving that you. 

Gigi's Favs: Celebrating You

Your Life Vibe: Inspirational Moments

Something as simple as a caring thought or gesture can really go a long way to getting your healing journey back on track.

Gigi's Favs: Inspirational Moments

If you have treasures you love and want to share with our community, please send us a msg and we'll add them to our Your Life Vibe Fan Favs!

Pay if Forward and Warm Our Hearts.
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