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Your Life Vibe: Our Story

Inspiration Through Loss

Your Life Vibe was inspired as a part of my healing journey. It's the first time I've been able to write since my sister, Andrea and brother, Jacob passed away. It still feels like yesterday they were with us, smiling and laughing, and enjoying their lives - they are now our protective angels in heaven - and our guiding lights.

Living Through Grief

The grief of losing my siblings, shook our family to the core, especially my parents - losing two children in less than two years was crippling across many facets of our lives. Personally, I struggled with finding joy in the things I used to love, writing being one of my deepest passions, I no longer had the will or desire to write anymore.

Finding My Voice Again

I was determined to overcome this challenge by working through my grief and embarking on an extensive healing journey.


I recalibrated my entire life, explored holistic healing, celebrated my wins and challenges and reprioritized myself (and my daughter) at the center of everything, practiced extensive self-love, and eventually I regained my confidence and found my voice and passion for writing again.

Giving Back in Kind

Your Life Vibe was created to provide a safe and welcoming place for you to share your feelings, be inspired and give you the confidence to keep going. Thank you for visiting, we welcome you to continue on our journey. 

Positively Yours,

Gigi Signs

Setting aside time to properly care for our mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual needs is not selfish - it's actually a selfless act - the greatest love you can give yourself. 

Your Life Vibe Logo - Inspiration, Fashion for Life, Self-Love

Living One Moment at a Time

Your Life Vibe will change your perspective on life, how you live it, how you enjoy it, and most importantly how you experience it. It's a place that feels like home, where you can be yourself without regard or judgement, a place to be uplifted and inspired, a place all your own - that's your life vibe. 

Living life one moment at a time - self-love, fashion for life, and good vibes along the way -

join us as we experience life the way we all want to live it. 

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